In this website, we report an interactive map of words showing a significant sex or sex by historical period effect in a large corpus of writings reflecting world literature.

Moving over each word, you will be able to explore:
  • world map of Cohen’s d of the sex effect;
  • historical trend of the word raw frequency for each sex, similarly to Google Ngram Viewer, but reporting the use frequency in male and female authors separately, as well as the 95% confidence intervals (i.e., shaded areas) of the estimation across authors;
  • semantic shift for each word, as well as rearrangements of the word neighbors due to the effect of sex through a Sankey plot. The left column of the Sankey represents the neighbors of the word for male authors, arranged from the most related to the lowest. The right column depicts the same procedure for females. Ribbons connect words that sustain a relatively high local shift between the two sexes;
  • Google trend of the raw frequency from our corpus and from Google English Fiction 2020.

  • Check the example below about the word "house".


    Further details are reported in the article available here, and in the GitHub page.

    Click the button below to start exploring our data!